When I first founded this page I would often state "pray for his new prey"; standing in unison for solidarity for all women was always my train of thought. Now, several months into the process of having had read numerous empirically researched and written articles, listening to colleagues and page members I have come to the conclusion that accomplices are more than mere accomplices. Yes, they are clearly puppets doing the dirty work of their puppet master, but, remember, these are supposedly living, breathing, thinking human beings who appear, from the outside looking in, to not take a breath from their relentless attacks upon the spath/narcs victim. Why? Is their love for the spath/narc so deep that they're literally blinded by love? Or, is there something else at play here, say, perhaps, sociopathy of their own which needs to be treated?
We know the way in which socipaths use their new prey to do their dirty work. We know they feel the need to raise both themselves and their new prey up, by putting us down. Does the socipath use us to raise his stock value and blow smoke up the ass of the new prey, and then when she's a bad girl, use us as the weapon, by praising our graces and such leaving her to feel inadequate? Are her inadequacies, her achilles heel, his power? Is that how he's able to manipulate her to be so unrelenting in her attacks upon the original victim?
When do we say enough already? When do we say "no more empathy for this new prey?
I have no empathy for anyone who assists the sociopath in mistreating others.
ReplyDeleteThe "accomplice" is a complex creature in that they are initially prey to the Sociopath. They are manipulated and conned into believing whatever the s'path tells them and hence they will attack former victims while serving as a dutiful soldier to the s'path. At some point though, that accomplice has to take an about face and wake up to the manipulation, that is if they're are of sane mind. If not, one does have to consider they too, to be in of a Sociopathic nature. I agree, it is the latter for whom I have no empathy.