Thursday, March 8, 2012

Masks Are For Make-Believe And Sociopaths

You once looked upon his face with both admiration and adoration. He was your hero, your man, you lover, your everything. You idealized him. You looked into the hollowness of his mask and saw a beautiful being. He slowly manipulated and disarmed you into wearing a mask as does he; only the mask you wear is one of denial, one to keep you blinded, one to keep your vision slightly askew, keeping your focus on him and him alone. You were blinded to the truth; the truth being that what you were looking at was a mask, not like the ones we wore as children at Halloween but a mask devoid of a human spirit sitting behind it. Find the courage to see that which is truly there, a mask of evil, lies, manipulation, a mask that will suck your life blood from within your body to feed upon, perpetuating the spell he has upon you. Find the courage, if not for you, then for all the women who follow in your footsteps. Be their hero! Stand up, take off the mask and take back your life.


  1. Amen and amen!! Been there and got that t-shirt. You DON"T want it!!

  2. Wise words Joey! Thank you! May we all go forth and heed what you have spoken.
